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A member registered Nov 13, 2021

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thanks dave just got it working now i appreciate all the help u have been giving me keep up the good work

thanks so much dave

(1 edit)

may need some more help cuz i cant find out how to open Appdata\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames plz reply to this dave really want to record fall guys soon

i was setting up around the clock for recording but 

there is something wrong with the game for me. i can open up the game but nothing happens when i click new game and when i click continue it brings me to the map but wont let me play anything. 

In the Simpsons fan-game idea I gave you already has a story to it. Sideshow Bob has another scheme to kill Bart and to kidnap his family. Each member of the family is scattered around Springfield so you have to play as Bart to save the day. You don't even have to make the inside of buildings or houses, it could just be on the outside of Springfield. Please consider making this a game because all of your games are awesome so it will be nice to play a Dave microwaves games Simpsons game!

Hey Dave, I have a game idea for you. You play as Bart Simpson and the killer is sideshow bob. You play in The Simpsons home or the jail or wherever you want it to be. Hopefully you see this comment and ponder for a bit about making this game into the masterpieces you create

i did not mean half a year in my comment. i mean over a whole year. I just went back to see if you patched the krusty krab glitch but other than that glitch i forgot most maybe even everything about atcabb so i think me replaying on stream will be a perfect way to see reactions, memes, etc.

hi dave. In the summer i'm going to be streaming atcabb. I will have 4 streams. the first one will be for beating the game normally. the second stream will be for s-ranking all levels except for 1 level. The third stream will be a whole stream dedicated to the krusty krab level s-rank but if i beat that early in the stream i will go for some extra's. Last stream will be all extra's minigames, cheats. just 101%ing the game.

i am stoked to hear about new updates as well

another dave non-fangame type of game.

plus i spent as long trying to s-rank krusty krab as I did writtting that comment, Not very long

ok. thanks for repliying but the problem is i don't want the trophies to say i'm a cheater. So i will keep trying to s-rank it normally.

Hey Dave. atcabb is a great game in so many ways. but I spent several hours trying to s-rank Krusty krab. I just have one favor to ask for atcabb and that is to add the flying dutchman glitch back. Plus all the people that s-ranked all of atcabb had already used this glitch including myself before i starting a new game half a year later. So i'm begging you, padre, and all developers and people who helped create this awsome game to please add this glitch back. That's the one thing i hate about this update and that's all I want. i don't care about all those others patched glitches just please bring back this one glitch. please and thank you.